Tag: fps

Video Games

The History of… Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (1993)

Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold is a first-person shooter where players assume the role of Blake Stone, a secret agent tasked with thwarting the evil Dr. Goldfire’s plans for world domination by battling hordes of aliens in futuristic environments.

Video Games

The History of… Wolfenstein 3D (1992)

“Wolfenstein 3D” is a groundbreaking first-person shooter game where players assume the role of Allied spy William “B.J.” Blazkowicz as he battles Nazi forces in their stronghold, featuring intense action, maze-like levels, and iconic boss fights.

Video Games

The History of… GoldenEye 007 (1997)

GoldenEye 007 is a first-person shooter video game based on the James Bond film, where players assume the role of secret agent James Bond, navigating through various missions to thwart the plans of a criminal organization.

Video Games

The History of… Doom (1993)

Doom is a groundbreaking first-person shooter where players battle demonic forces on Mars, navigating through labyrinthine levels filled with intense combat and visceral action to save humanity from annihilation.